爱国街38栋2单元4层… 花语:我亲爱的周家人,祝你们每个人在2023年新年快乐,身体健康,幸福美满。虽然我们还没有见过面,但从美霞开始,我觉得我已经认识了你们温暖而有爱的家人,也认识了你们所有人。 方法。 请知道,在新的一年里,我都在想你......爱,杰夫
My Dear Zhou Family, I wish each of you a very happy, healthy, and blessed New Year in 2023. Although we have not met, from Meixia, I feel that I already know your warm and loving family and all of you in some small way. Please know you are all in my thoughts this new year... Love, Jeff